
What I Eat Whilst Breastfeeding and What My 10 Month Old Eats In A Day

Hey! I’ve not written a ‘What I Eat In A Day’ post for a while and I really enjoyed doing the last one so I thought write an updated version. Jasper has actually just turned 11 months but I took these pictures about a week ago when he was still 10 months old and not much has really changed in how he eats in that time. I am still breastfeeding Jasper but he is having much less feeds than the previous post, although still quite a few, and I am slowly trying to wean him more. Me and Jasper eat basically the same meals now so I have also included what he eats. It’s usually presented slightly differently but its pretty much the same as what I have cooked for myself. If you want to know how Jasper’s eating has changed, I wrote this post of what Jasper ate when he was 6 months old.

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food, motherhood

What My 6 Month Old Baby Eats in a Day

Hi everyone! Following on from my previous two posts here and here all about preparing babies first foods, I thought it would be good to share what Baby Jasper eats in a day now that he is 6 months old. From the previous posts you will now that he has been weaning on to solid food since he was just older than 4 months. I now offer him 3 meals a day with milk on demand as well. It can be a bit hit and miss with how much he eats each time, sometimes all and sometimes nothing and sometimes just the finger food or just the mashed food! I hope you find it interesting seeing what he eats on a typical day.

Jasper’s food today.

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food, motherhood

10 Yummy First Food Ideas For Babies

Hi Everyone, following on from my last post about preparing Baby Jasper’s first foods, I thought I would share the first 10 foods that he tried. I did some reading and I decided I would like to do mostly ‘veg first weaning’ so that hopefully he would love his vegetables. Whilst reading I found that there is some research that concluded the earlier vegetables are given to babies during weaning the more likely they are to accept and like them. I also found out when doing my research that babies are generally born with a sweet tooth because their milk is classed as a sweet food, which I thought was interesting. So below is the order I introduced Jasper’s 10 first foods, how long I waited before introducing new flavours and his verdict on the tastes!

2018-12-16 20.10.12
A few of Jasper’s First Foods.

Continue reading “10 Yummy First Food Ideas For Babies”

food, motherhood

How to Prepare Babies First Foods

Hi Everyone, today’s post is about how I have been preparing Baby Jasper’s first foods. I started weaning Jasper shortly after he turned 4 months old because he had started to show signs he was ready for solid food. Prior to this he had been sleeping quite well in the night but from 4 months old he started sleeping pretty terribly and waking up in the night for extra milk. He would also watch us eat all the time and try to take the food from us and he was eating his hands a lot (but he still does that so it may not have been a sign of needing weaning!). Jasper started off by eating baby rice and now that he is 6 months old he also eats vegetables, fruits and potatoes. So this is a short guide of the ‘equipment’ I have been using and how I have been preparing his food.

Continue reading “How to Prepare Babies First Foods”